
Biographers and their dwindling numbers

The fact that we know enough about historical people to fill hours of primetime television on slow news days is down to the excellent work of historians and more importantly, the biographers who followed said people and chronicled their experiences. Clearly people like Napoleon had the luck of the draw in the selection of biographers, as against, say Bertrand Russell, a Brit of extraordinary achievements in the field of mathematics and logic and remarkable contributions to causes such as the women's suffrage movement; yet who apparently stood out to many of his peers because of his 'bad breath'. With a biographer able to assert such power over the very history we look to, what problems are keeping their numbers down?   The early biographers were, of course, employed in the royal courts. That meant any creative liberties taken to glorify the ruler were rewarded with ornaments, and any attempts made to point out flaws in the empire were rewarded with a noose. Since wearing

Anthropomorphism - Genius or stupid?

One recalls, in the Indian education system, memories of having to endure English as taught in the British schooling system for 12 years before properly learning it from subtitles to American films and TV. In course of the education, many concepts imprisoned on paper by Messrs Wren and Martin subconsciously entered our brains. Let’s analyse one such concept: anthropomorphism, i.e. the tendency of writers to assign human traits to non-human characters or things. To be brutally honest, it comes across as absolutely ridiculous. If anything, the world as we know it is going in the opposite direction. We expect our cricketers to be run machines, our politicians to be truth machines and our domestic help to be, well, machines. In fact, we are actively working towards the mechanization of the human species by becoming expectation machines ourselves and making our children robots. In other words, with our increasing interaction with technology, we can safely be accused of becoming increasing